District of CharacterBrown Hosts Breakfast for Municipal Leaders Across the 40th Senate DistrictThis week, I hosted local government breakfasts for municipalities across the 40th Senatorial District – which includes Lackawanna, Monroe, and Wayne Counties. These breakfasts are a great opportunity to foster connections and dialog between municipalities, while ensuring an open line of communication with state government. Thank you to the officials and staff who attended on behalf of their municipality! Harrisburg UpdateA recent Moody’s Investor Services report has affirmed Pennsylvania’s current bond rating and revised the state’s financial outlook from stable to positive. As part of its decision to upgrade the commonwealth’s status, Moody’s commended the amount of money in the state’s Rainy Day Fund. Bolstering our financial safety net has been a top priority in the past three years, and it is encouraging to see those efforts translate to real results. Additionally, the Senate Appropriations Committee has released their monthly report on the state’s financial health. The most recent report shows that the General Fund revenue collections of about $2.9 billion in August were below the monthly estimate by $27.1 million, or 0.9%. To review a full update, including the monthly revenue report, click here. Preparing for Election DayIn honor of National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, it’s a great time to prepare for Election Day on Nov. 7. The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 23. If you’ve moved, you can also double check that you’re registered to vote at your current address. Anyone who wishes to vote by mail must apply by Oct. 31. You have to be a registered voter to submit an application. If you are looking for a way to help your community, learn more about becoming a poll worker here. Thousands of Pennsylvanians are necessary to run elections, and poll workers are needed in all 67 counties. Out and About Listening to YouTOP LEFT / BOTTOM RIGHT: Photos from this week’s Local Government Breakfast. TOP RIGHT: Kristine from my staff recognizing Pocono Mountains United Way CEO, Michael Tukeva, for fifteen years of service during their annual “Day of Caring” Event. BOTTOM LEFT: Doug (my staff) and I attended a grand opening in Moscow for Kost Tire & Auto. Always appreciate welcoming new businesses who invest in our community!
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