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PA Court Rules Against the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Order This week, the Commonwealth Court ruled against imposing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) carbon tax – ruling the Governor’s executive order unconstitutional. The court’s order says, “Stated simply, to pass constitutional muster, the Commonwealth’s participation in RGGI may only be achieved through legislation duly enacted by the Pennsylvania General Assembly.” As a reminder, RGGI is a multi-state initiative aimed to reduce carbon emissions through, essentially, a tax on carbon emissions for electricity producers. In 2019, Governor Wolf circumvented the legislative process to join RGGI through an executive order. Since, there has been ongoing litigation regarding the constitutionality of this order, until the decision of the court this week. In addition to the court ruling, Governor Shapiro’s Work Group’s memorandum on this matter stated “legislative codification” is the preferred method to implement this policy. I agree strongly on the importance of legislative involvement – there must be a thorough review of the impacts of this policy could have on consumer electricity costs. In 2022, the state’s Independent Fiscal Office projected RGGI could nearly quadruple electricity costs for consumers. Pennsylvanians cannot afford higher energy bills – our families are already spread too thin with rising costs and inflation. We need to focus on efforts to ensure there is sufficient power to meet the demands of customers and avoid the risk of blackouts, restrictions on energy usage, and increase prices. Veterans Appreciation MonthThe month of November is Veterans Appreciation Month. Each newsletter, we will highlight some of the amazing heroes within the 40th District. We are forever in debt to the service and sacrifices of our veterans – please remind yourselves of this regularly, and always thank those around you who have served. This week, we are highlighting Matt, of Stroudsburg (pictured left), and Gabe (pictured right) of Long Pond. Matt served in the United States’ Army National Guard with the 104th Calvary. He served duties in Egypt and Afghanistan. Gabe was deployed to Iraq three times and has received two purple hearts. During his first tour, he was injured by a grenade explosion – but he stayed in the country to heal, and after 30 days, continued his tour. During his third deployment, he was injured in a helicopter crash 20 miles outside of Baghdad. May God bless you both! Turn the Clocks Back!Daylight savings time will end at 2:00 AM on Sunday, Nov. 5, so Pennsylvania residents should turn their clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday night. Biannual time changes are a great reminder to check or change the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms should be replaced every 10 years and located near bedrooms and on each level of the residence. Thanksgiving MealsPlease share this list of FREE Thanksgiving meals. Thank you to those who volunteer their time and personal resources to ensure all in our community have access to a Thanksgiving meal. Out and About Listening to YouTOP LEFT: Pleased to join other community leaders and officials at the opening of the White Mills River Access at the Lackawaxen River Trails. TOP RIGHT: Wishing a wonderful 100th birthday to Doris Dunkleberger! BOTTOM: Spent time with Cub Scout Pack 34 at their Pancake and Sausage Breakfast in Peckville. Great to see so many community members and families enjoying supporting the scouting.
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