Senator Brown E-Newsletter

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Brown’s Legislation to Curb Distracted Driving Heads to the Governor

Senate Bill 37 is off to the Governor! This was a long battle for me as a legislator – but a battle worth winning – especially for the safety of Pennsylvanians.

This week, the PA Legislature cast its final vote on SB37, “Paul Miller’s Law”, finally sending this measure to the Governor to be enacted into law. After more than a decade of relentless work, this law is a monumental victory for PA – to protect drivers, prevent crashes, and save lives. Thank you to Paul and Eileen Miller for their tireless advocacy – you have been with me every step of the way.

SB37 limits the use of hand-held cell phone use behind the wheel. Drivers may still utilize their technology, so long as it is “hands-free” (i.e. Bluetooth, docking station, speaker, etc.)

This bill is more than legislation – it is a reminder of the power of perseverance and the impact we can have when we prioritize public safety.

View my full release here.

Press Conference – Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders

This week, I joined the Alzheimer’s Association for their press conference to speak on Senate Bill 840, my bill to bolster Pennsylvania’s response to the growing Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD) crisis. Currently, our state’s approach to Alzheimer’s is fragmented, with multiple agencies working in silos without the necessary coordination.

My proposal would address this by establishing a permanent ADRD Division and an ADRD Advisory Committee to streamline our efforts, bring together stakeholders, advocate for effective policy, and secure federal funding.

Our mission is clear – we must break down bureaucratic barriers and foster collaboration across government agencies. This is more than policy; it is a commitment to protect our loved ones and ensure Pennsylvania leads the way in Alzheimer’s care and support.

Watch my remarks during the press conference here.

Senate Votes to Create Statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Tracking System

To assist survivors of sexual assault, the Senate approved Senate Bill 920, which would establish a sexual assault evidence tracking system. Using the system, individuals could follow the path of a rape kit throughout the collection and testing process.

Sexual assault forensic exams are conducted using what are commonly referred to as rape kits, in which DNA evidence is collected from the assault victim’s body, clothes and other personal belongings. The process can increase the likelihood of criminal prosecution.

Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia have established rape kit tracking systems. Enactment of the legislation would enable Pennsylvania to receive additional federal funds.

Scranton School Visits the Pennsylvania Senate

This week, we had great visitors on the Senate floor from the Scranton School for Deaf. Thank you for taking the trip to Harrisburg and joining us before session.

Honoring Our Brave Heroes: International Firefighters’ Day!

As we always should, I express my deepest gratitude to the courageous men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities. These selfless heroes are the backbone of our firefighting and emergency response teams, working tirelessly to keep us safe in times of crisis. Thank you to all the firefighters throughout the 40th District specifically for everything you do to keep us safe!

Please see photos above from fire companies throughout the 40th District.

Appreciating our Nurses

This week was Nurse Appreciation Day! Please join me in thanking the many outstanding, kind, and skilled nurses who are the backbone to our healthcare system. Nurses are the everyday heroes of our healthcare system. Their work not only offers lifesaving treatment, but they provide compassion and comfort during our most vulnerable times. Thank you to our nurses!


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