Expanding The Property Tax Rent Rebate for SeniorsThis week, I attended the bill signing of House Bill 1100, which expands Pennsylvania’s Property Tax Rent Rebate program. My office files hundreds of rebates for constituents every year – working to keep our seniors on a fixed income in their homes. This expansion will allow an additional 173,000 individuals to qualify – and I look forward to providing more relief to seniors in the 40th Senatorial District. I applaud Rep. Steve Samuelson who is the prime sponsor of this legislation and has worked diligently on it for years. This law increases the income limits to $45,000 and the maximum rebate is increased to $1,000 for seniors aged 65 and older, individuals on permanent disability, and widow or widower aged 50-64. For questions on eligibility or this program, please contact my office! Pennsylvania Budget UpdateThe Senate reconvened this week to send the 2023-24 General Appropriations bill to Governor Shapiro. The $45.5 billion budget spends approximately $400 million less than what the Governor proposed in March. This budget will move Pennsylvania forward and prevent disruptions to critical services Pennsylvania’s rely on every day. Advancing this bill ensures funding can be released to schools, counties, and non-profits without interruption as the final components of the budget are negotiated. Out and About Listening to YouThis week was National Night Out for many communities across the 40th Senatorial District. The purpose of this event is to build community, education, and relationships with your local law enforcement. I was pleased to attend several across throughout the week – see some photos below. Pictured: top left, A Pocono Country Place; top right, Archbald; bottom left, Moscow; bottom right, Blakely.
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