Since being elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2010 and subsequently to the Pennsylvania State Senate in 2022, Senator Rosemary M. Brown has built a reputation as an accessible, hard-working, and common-sense problem-solver. She has successfully enacted several laws – all with bipartisan support – throughout her service in the legislature.
Here is a list of Senator Brown’s enacted legislation.
- Act No. 35 of 2014, April 18, 2014 / HOUSE BILL 974 2013-2014 established a new AED program within the PA Dept. of Education to assist school entities in making AEDs available in school buildings.
- Act No. 50 of 2016, June 23, 2016 / HOUSE BILL 1241 2015-2016 amended the definition of a “public utility” in Title 66 to exempt water or sewer service provided by a resort owner to users located within the resort boundaries under certain conditions.
- Act No. 122 of 2016, Nov. 2, 2016 / HOUSE BILL 1699 2015-2016 limits the ability of a health care practitioner to prescribe more than seven days of an opioid drug to a patient in an emergency department or urgent care.
- Act No. 17 of 2018, May 4, 2018 / HOUSE BILL 595 2017-2018 expanded the investigation authority of the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office to hear complaints and conduct mediation of disputes regarding planned communities, cooperatives, and condominiums; specifically related to meetings, quorums, voting and proxies, and association records.
- Act No. 91 of 2019, Nov. 27, 2019 / HOUSE BILL 49 2019-2020 amended the Public School Code to permit a student who successfully completes a course in financial literacy to apply their credits earned towards their graduation.
- Act No. 84 of 2020, Oct. 29, 2020 / HOUSE BILL 703 2019-2020 requires that school districts must establish and publish on their websites an email address for each member of the board of school directors.
- Act No. 122 of 2020, Nov. 25, 2020 / HOUSE BILL 1342 2019-2020 amends the Public School Code to provide for pre-kindergarten vision screening.
- Act No. 56 of 2022, July 11, 2022 / HOUSE BILL 331 2021-2022 authorized financial institutions to offer incentives for saving money by creating incentive-based savings programs.
- Act No. 115 of 2022, Nov. 3, 2022 / HOUSE BILL 1795 2021-2022 amended Title 68 in Condominiums, Cooperatives, and Planned Communities to provide for new voting standards for board elections and by law changes.
- Act No. 14 of 2024, May 8, 2024 / SENATE BILL 945 2023-2024 incorporated Act 154 of 2018 (the County Code) into Title 16 (Counties) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes.
- Act No. 18 of 2024, June 5, 2024 / SENATE BILL 37 2023-2024 amended Title 75 to prohibit the use of interactive mobile devices while driving a motor vehicle.
- Act No. 111 of 2024, Oct. 16, 2024 / SENATE BILL 840 established the Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Related Disorders Office and Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Related Disorders Advisory Committee.
- Act No. 139 of 2024, Oct. 31, 2024 / SENATE BILL 1132 amended the First Class Township Code, to increase flexibility for our local governments, emergency medical service providers, and fire companies.
- Act No. 140 of 2024, Oct. 31, 2024 / SENATE BILL 1133 amended the Second Class Township Code, to increase flexibility for our local governments, emergency medical service providers, and fire companies.
- Act No. 141 of 2024, Oct. 31, 2024 / SENATE BILL 1134 amended the Borough and Incorporated Towns Code, to increase flexibility for our local governments, emergency medical service providers, and fire companies.
Additionally, since being sworn into office, Senator Brown releases a “Year in Review” report to share the year’s progress. Read here:
You can also view Senator Brown’s sponsored legislative proposals for the 2023-2024 legislative session here.